Thank you for expressing interest in joining OCHRe

Our Vision

A culturally secure and inclusive network of Indigenous researchers across Australia and sovereign Indigenous Nations, that builds unique skills at the interface of culture, science, and health research and translates to improvements in the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples.

This initiative is a critical part of the NHMRC framework for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Lead Investigators for the Network

  • Professor Gail Garvey AM FQA: Professor of Indigenous Research, The University of Queensland

  • Professor Alex Brown: Professor of Indigenous Genomics, Telethon Kids Institute, and the Australian National University

  • Professor Sandra Eades AO: Associate Dean, Professor at the Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Rowden White Chair, University of Melbourne

  • Mr Paul Stewart: CEO, Lowitja Institute

Please complete the details below to Expression your Interest in joining OCHRe.

We will send you an email update once per week. The update will include current Grants, Jobs Scholarships and upcoming events. We will never share your details to any other agency.

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